Davie/Cooper City Amateur Radio Club

NA4DC QSL Manager's

Monthly Report


For June 2024

(Updated monthly)


In June the club received and answered no paper QSL’s.


Total LOTW numbers as of July 1,  2024.

         not including summer Field Day

QSO's up loaded 7788

QSL's received 2736 up 31 from April’s report

WAS confirmed 50 mixed

                             50 on 20 Meters

DXCC entities confirmed 63

VUCC grids confirmed

   6 Meters 69

   2 Meters 1

   1.25 Meters 1

   70 cm 1

CQ Zones confirmed (for WAZ) 20     






Link to DCARC website

Link to W6BXQ website

horizontal rule