Ham Radio Pictures



K4CDR, John




N1OGP, Frank


N4RHJ, Aaron




ND4E, Roger


WA4ZPX, Alice


ex: WA6BOB, John (Bob), now: W5JBO


WA6BTH, Frank


WA6OWE, Karen and WA6OTP,Jim


WB4OAU, Sally


W1BBJ, Michael (ex: K1MRG)





This graphic provided by KD4DII, Bob.



KF4VWQ, Kathy; KF4VIO, Jack




KG4MLC, Dan; KG4MLD, Cindy








WA4ZPX, Alice; WB4UNV, Charlie; and Virginia




K2IIL, Ralph

Copied on Twenty Meters (14MHz.) SSTV

(Slow Scan Television).



N5LDD, David
Copied on Twenty Meters SSTV.



KD4WUJ, Patty

Copied on Twenty Meters SSTV. Missed a little

of the top of the picture and a little of the bottom.

This is country singer Patty Loveless!



AD4MH, Greg and wife












AC4AB, Vince




N8PR, Pete




Some of N8PR's antennas as of Dec. 8, 2012.




N8PR's 2 meter (144 MHz) EME (moon bounce) array!




WA2NCH, Bill




W7BIA, Arnie

Arnie was WA7BIA and I was K7VUB

when I knew him in Tucson in the mid

1960's.  This picture is from his web

site: http://www.arnie.org/w7bia/!




K5HEM, Hal

Hal was WN7BHZ and I was K7VUB

when I knew him in Tucson in the mid



N6KI, Dennis, operating ZF2AR Dec 1999

Dennis was WB2JDW and I was K7VUB

when I knew him in Tucson in the mid



N6KI in Viet Nam 1968

Near Phan Thiet (LZ Betty) June 1968


Another picture of N6KI in 1968

Go to: http://ktkt.homestead.com/PUBLICSERVICE.html

for a great story of Tucson, Arizona supporting our troops

in Viet Nam, Christmas 1968, involving Dennis

and Garry Shandling.


ex: WA7BKG, Garry Shandling

Garry was WA7BKG and I was K7VUB

when I knew him in Tucson in the mid



QCWA (Quarter Century Wireless Association) Chapter 69

meeting Dec. 8, 2012 at house of N8PR, Pete.



The following 7 pictures are from the 2014 Miami Hamfest.















The next four pictures were taken at

The Falcon Pub in Davie, Florida on

Apr 10, 2014.  We were there to meet

Victor, R1DX, a visiting Russian Ham.



Victor, R1DX


   N8PR             R1DX


         R1DX                   W3AZD                 WB3ANE


        R1DX                W6BXQ


Christmas 2014 get together at Pete, N8PR's house.

    W4PJ           N4OQP             N8PR            N2DUI




W6BXQ      N2DUI                      W4PJ        N4OQP   N8PR


QCWA (Quarter Century Wireless Association) Chapter 69

meeting Jan. 10, 2015 at house of N8PR, Pete.



Christmas 2019 SFDXA Dinner

W4UM                                    W2CQ                                    N8PR


SFDXA Meeting January 8, 2020

Pete, N8PR, Became a Silent Key the

Night of September 21/22, 2020



Some of my antennas!


Six meter beam on the left and on the right; beams for 144, 222 and 432MHz.

On the right at the top, a Hustler G6-270R for the repeater.

Click to return to the Equipment page.

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